poniedziałek, 25 maja 2020

"Don't judge a book by its cover."

My name is Susan. I go to primary school. My family consists of 5 members: my parents, my siblings and me. I have got a twin sister Martha (she is disabled and she must move in a wheelchair) and a little brother. His name is George and he is really small - he is only six months old. To be honest, I am not a good student, all of my teachers often complain I am lazy. They keep telling me I should spend more time learning. I know I should have better marks at school... If only they knew...
- Susan - said my mother - Could you help me prepare breakfast?
- Of course, mum. What should I do? - I asked.
- Please, lay the table and put the kettle on. Meanwhile I will make something to eat.
- All right, mum. I'm getting down to work.
We ate breakfast. It was really delicious. After eating breakfast, my mum said to me:
- Susan, can you wash the dishes? And don't forget to dry them. 
- Of course, mum. 
I did everything and I went upstairs, to my room. I mean - to our room, because I share it with Martha, unfortunately. I sat at my desk and took my English notebook. I opened it. "Homework: Explain the meaning of the words: "DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER". Give examples." I started writing when suddenly I heard George crying in the next room. I flinched. Martha said:
- Susan, can you go to George's room to check why he is crying so loudly? 
I had no choice. I had to go. I entered George's room and he was sleeping. "Suspicious" - I thought. I returned to our room and I saw Martha laughing loudly.
- What's so funny? - I asked?
- I tricked you! - she answered - I recorded George's shouts on my phone and played it to have fun.
I decided to stay silent although I felt like telling Martha: "You're stupid, Martha", but I finally said nothing. She couldn't help laughing.
I, again, took my pen to write the essay when I heard my name:
- "Susan, Susan!" 
It was my dad this time. I came downstairs.
- Susan, your mum and I are leaving. Please look after George and take out the rubbish. Ok? 
- Ok, dad. Where are you going? What time will you be back?
- We're going to the shopping mall, there are big sales today. Oh and remember to water the plants in the living room, you forgot to do it in the morning, Susan.
They left home. I watered the plants and I was going upstairs to learn when I heard George. I entered his room. He looked hungry. I gave him some food and he was happy now. He looked and smiled at me. I smiled back. He took his beloved teddy bear from his bed and threw the toy at me. This only meant one thing - George wanted to play... So I was busy playing with my brother until my parents returned. I was really tired. 
I took George and went downstairs to see my mum and dad.
- Susan - said my mum - it's getting late! Why haven't you started peeling potatoes for dinner?! 
- And why haven't you taken out the rubbish?! - asked dad. - Please, do it now. - he added.
I obediently did it. We ate dinner and I had to wash the dishes, clean all the kitchen and vacuum the carpets in the living room and all bedrooms. In the evening I also walked the dog.
When I returned, we had supper and I took a shower. "Now I finally have time to write the essay" - I thought, and, tired, I fell asleep.

To be honest - szczerze mówiąc
complain - skarżyć się, narzekać
If only they knew... - Gdyby tylko wiedzieli...
They keep (telling me)...- Cały czas (mi mówią)...
Meanwhile - w tym czasie, tymczasem
I'm getting down to work. - Biorę (zabieram) się do roboty (pracy).
go upstairs - iść na górę
notebook - zeszyt
Don't judge a book by its cover - nie osądzaj książki po okładce, pozory mylą
flinch - wzdrygnąć się
I heard George cryING - Słyszałem jak George płacze.
I had no choice - Nie miałem wyboru.
stay silent - milczeć
although - pomimo że
I feel like + ing - mam ochotę...
feel --> felt --> felt
I tricked you! - Nabrałem Cię!
beloved teddy bear - ukochany pluszak
mean --> meant --> meant - znaczyć, oznaczać
I can't (I couldn't) help laughing - Nie mogę (nie mogłam) powstrzymać się od śmiechu.
It's getting late - Robi się późno.
I fell asleep - Zasnąłem.

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